Introduction of WORK space

Spraying and modeling booth

We have a suction spray booth to absorb gas when molding and paint when painting. Since we also have a dog in the house, we are careful not to leak any odors.

Spray gun for painting small areas

Since we sometimes use glossy paints and other materials, the spray gun has a slightly larger bore.


An air compressor is used when painting with a spray gun and when removing molds with silicone.

electronic scale

A scale capable of weighing from 0.1 cc is essential when making silicone molds, resin molding, and silicone tongues.

gas mask

Gas Masks Masks are essential when molding resin and spray painting.
Although no gas is produced after molding, it is an essential item to be worn during molding.

Alcohol, tool cleaner, solvent neutralizer

This includes cleaning equipment, alcohol which is essential when spray painting, and neutralizers for gas generation. We use gases that are said to not be that harmful to the human body, but we try to neutralize them immediately during the work to reduce the odor. These are quite expensive 、、、、

Nylon curtains seal the booth

We are making a booth in one corner of the room that can be partitioned off with a nylon curtain. We are making it quietly in the middle of the night. I am making a booth with a nylon curtain in a corner of my room. I am making this booth so that my dog and my family will not be disturbed.

Booth sealed with nylon curtains

The nylon curtain is closed.
In addition to molding, heat guns and heat cutters are also used in the booth for cutting and bending resin.
A glue gun and a rheoter are also used to glue the resin and fur together.

Sewing and trimming operations

In addition to the molding and spraying work, what is needed is sewing the faux fur (hair) together and cutting the hair to the appropriate length. The required equipment includes a lock sewing machine, a single sewing machine, and special clippers. Sewing is much more difficult than molding. 、、、、 I haven’t listed all of them, but we use a lot of equipment and materials to make these knick-knacks!


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