Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Can I buy from abroad? Do you speak any foreign languages?
A. Correspondence. I would like to communicate by email using translation software. I would be happy to provide pictures and explanations.
Please note this before purchasing.

About masks (masks)
Q. Can you make masks for my breed of dog?

A. The base of the dog skeleton we are currently completing is that of a basic dog similar to a wolf.
We will try our best not to turn down requests for masks, but we will try our best not to turn down requests for masks that deviate too much from the base skeleton.
However, we will not be able to create a dog with a skeleton that deviates too much from the base. However, there are some breeds that can be made by adding flesh to the body. We will make a judgment based on the photos you send us.
For example, we cannot make a Shih Tzu, a puppy with a short muzzle, or a bulldog because there are too many differences between the original and the model. If there are many requests, we will make from the prototype.

Q. It looks hard to put on.
A. The back has a large zipper opening, and the fur near the chinstrap in the front has a magnetic button to open it.
Once you get used to it, you can put it on in 5 seconds.

Q. What is special about this mask?
A. There are many people overseas who make masks like this one. I bought one overseas a few years ago, and although I was quite happy with it at first, I was dissatisfied with the way it did not resemble my dog (it was quite expensive), the size, the way the head was fixed, etc., both for me as a Japanese person and for my usage.
Perhaps many mask creators and users want to use these masks (masks) to make themselves into beasts. There seem to be such gatherings (full-body cosplay) overseas.
I don’t just want to become a beast, I want to assimilate (link) myself like a dog and take pictures, I have fantasies (dangerous?) if I wear a hat, glasses, clothes, different color eyes, etc. I wanted to realize it.
Of course, the usage of the masks is up to you, but since that is what I am aiming for, I think the main difference is that you can enjoy using the masks (masks) in your daily life.
I would like to continue to make the masks more responsive to your requests, so please do not hesitate to contact me with any requests you may have.

Q. Where can you see from? What is your field of vision?
A. The mask is visible through a large mesh cut out from the eye sockets to the nose. In the beginning, we tried to make it look more realistic by making the field of view narrower, but it was too difficult to see, so we settled on this specification.
We wanted to see the expression on the dog’s face when we surprised it or when we walked with it.

Q. What do you use it for?
A. It can be made to resemble a family dog to some extent.
It has a mouth that works with its own jaw, movable eyelids and tongue, and interchangeable eyeballs (heart eyes, etc.), so you can create a variety of facial expressions.
You can create a variety of facial expressions.
So, it can be used to take commemorative photos with your dog, or with your dog on a daily walk, or on a social networking site where showing your face is not allowed.
It will be a fun photo.
If you add accessories such as hats and sunglasses, it will surely become a unique and memorable experience.

I myself wanted to surprise the doggie and take a photo at a photo studio with the whole family wearing doggie masks.
Anyway, I would like you to use it to take video and still pictures for social networking sites such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Q. Is it possible to purchase only the options?
A. Yes, as long as you have purchased the head, you can purchase additional options later.

Q. Can you make a Golden Retriever?
A. Yes, it is possible using the current head base. We think it is possible as long as the muzzle shape is basically similar.

Q. How can the size be adjusted?
A. The head fixing mechanism and chin strap are used to adjust the size, but the head base can also be fine-tuned with heat to correct the shape.

Q. Can you make cats?
A. We have received frequent requests for a cat, and we are planning to produce one! It will take some time.

Q. Can I purchase only the head base?
A. We do not sell only the head base.

Q. The price is too expensive.
A. The price is high because of the process and special materials used.
When I purchased one overseas a few years ago, a dog model cost $2,000 (default design without customization) and ended up costing nearly $300,000 with shipping and other expenses. The specifications were fairly simple, and delivery took almost a year. I thought it was very American, for better or worse, but please understand that we are confident in the specifications and price of our dog-face sets!

Q. I want it to be pretty.
A. We can’t change the style of the dolls too much, but we can change the impression by making the iris and pupils of the eyes a little more anime-like (the eyeballs can be replaced later), or by making them more beautiful by reducing the amount of spray processing.
We would also like you to play with hats and hair as well, so please let us know your requests for hair color, hairstyle, etc.

Q. Can you do puppies? Can you do other breeds?
A. The base of the skeleton of the dog that we are currently completing is that of a basic dog analogous to a wolf.
We will try to accommodate as few refusals as possible, but
However, dogs with skeletons that deviate too much from the base cannot be created. There are some breeds that can be made by adding flesh. We will make a judgment based on the photos you send us.
For example, we cannot make a Shih Tzu, a puppy with a short muzzle, or a bulldog, because there are too many differences between the original and the model. If there are many requests, we will create from the prototype.

Q. It is difficult to say that the image is different after completion.
A. That is something I would like to avoid!
Therefore, I will take pictures of the client at key points in the work to confirm the work before proceeding.
However, I believe that most of the subtle expressions of dogs are in the eyes when I create them myself. Owners can even tell the difference between dogs of the same breed, so I began to think that I could not create something satisfactory unless I could change those subtle angles and eye colors by myself later, so I came up with specifications that allow for eyelid mobility and interchangeable eye balls!
So, although it may be difficult to provide a perfect solution, we have made the specifications in such a way that there are few things you may wish for later.
In fact, we have made many masks in the likeness of our dogs, and I think the resemblance has improved dramatically since we made the eyelids movable and the eyeballs interchangeable.

Q. I have a mixed hair pattern. What kind of method is there?
A. There are two methods: one is to use a similar mix of hairs, and the other is to color the white hairs. The cost increases a little when the amount of coloring is large, but the pattern can be added freely.
We will suggest several similar colors for you to choose from.

Q. I want to cut the hair myself.
A. After delivery, you can fine-tune the fur with cutting shears or pinchers. However, we recommend that you leave the fur seam long enough to hide it.

Q. What is the material?
A. The head base is made of urethane resin. Gases are generated during the molding process, but this will not be a problem when the product is delivered.

Q. Can I make it myself?
A. It would be difficult in terms of initial cost and time if you do not have experience, as it requires specialized tools and knowledge. If I had been able to purchase something close to my ideal, I would not have made it.

About payment
Q. I am worried about payment. Will I receive it properly?

A. We are a company, so we will not do anything to damage your credit. If we are unable to proceed with the work for any reason, we will refund the amount you have paid to your designated account without fail.
PayPal has an insurance policy in case the goods do not arrive, although there is a handling fee, so please consider PayPal.
I myself often use PayPal for overseas purchases.

About aftercare
Q. It looks difficult to handle.
A. The base of the main body is a strong resin, so there is no need to be nervous. However, when moving the eye lids or replacing the eyeballs, please do so slowly and gently as they are delicate. Please be gentle when moving the eye lids or replacing the eyeballs, as they are delicate.
Do not use alcohol as it may cause the paint to peel off. Please use a non-alcoholic disinfectant even inside the mask.

Q. If it breaks, where can I get it fixed?
Of course, we will take full responsibility. Free of charge for one month after delivery (you will be responsible for return shipping costs only). Consumables (springs and fans) are designed to be replaceable by yourself, and the head fixing mechanism is also designed to be replaceable even if it weakens over time.