There has never been a mask like this before!

We propose masks that can be enjoyed with dogs, incorporating the fashions of the time, just like clothing.
We propose masks that can be enjoyed with dogs, incorporating the fashions of the time, just like clothing.

More exciting
More memorable, to leave behind.

Record your daily life with your dog or cat with your smartphone.
A little surprise to such an ordinary thing.
For taking photos at parks, beaches, and stores you stop by on your travels.
For promotional characters, for Youtube, or as a commemorative photo.
There are many ways to use it.




It's not just a mask.
We want to expand the circle of masks (masks) that can be enjoyed together with dogs, just like clothes, incorporating the fashions of the time.
We would like to expand the circle of such masks (masks).

What is the Omengumi (masked group)...

What kind of mask?

Created in the likeness of a family pet.
Beastify them, link them, and
or take a commemorative photo in a photo studio, just like our family.

The mouth moves in conjunction with the jaws of the pet, and the attention to detail that went into the creation of the dolls has made them a favorite on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media sites.
TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
It looks great in videos and still photos taken on social networking sites such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc.!

SNS photos and videos, family photos, commemorative photos, promotional characters




Strong for close-up shots.
Point of particularity.

I want to express a small gesture...
That's what we wanted to express.

The ears, eyelids, and tongue are movable, and together with the mouth that moves in conjunction with the jaw, the doll can be made expressive.

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We want to make animals other than dogs.

Of course, we will make dogs with similar skeletons to the ones we have now completed.
We will also make cats as requested.

“Our goal is to create a circle of friends wearing masks of the masked group.
Our goal is to have a circle of friends!
Please send us your requests by “Contact Email”!

We would like to make proposals to people overseas by e-mail.


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